lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

No es ciertamente cualquier día, Mrs. Obama

Emocionada lectura he dado a la respuesta que nuestro hermano querido, el activo defensor de la libertad de los Cinco desde su trinchera en la CUJAE, Julián Gutiérrez, ha dado a este mail recibido, se supone, de la Casa Blanca.

Ojalá no sea una superchería más y llegue a las manos de la distinguidísima dama del Cambio, e influya en su esposo, que con una simple orden podría dar la libertad a 5 Hombres injustamente encarcelados.

Querido Julián: no podías haber dado respuesta mejor!!

No es cualquier día, es hoy, justamente cuando Usted puede apoyar la libertad de 5 héroes cubanos!!

Happy Father's Day,

I’m writing to share a special video of Barack talking about fatherhood, but first I want to share some thoughts of my own.
My father, Frasier Robinson, was the rock of our family. Although he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his early thirties, he was our provider, our champion and our hero. He worked tirelessly through good days and bad to make sure my brother and I had every opportunity he didn't -- to go to college and pursue our dreams. His example continues to guide me every day.
Barack didn't have my good fortune -- his father left when he was just two years old. But he has always been determined to give our daughters what he never had, and he values being a good father more than any other accomplishment in his life.
On Friday, Barack brought some men (and a bunch of kids!) to the White House to talk about fatherhood. Check out a video of the event: We all know the remarkable impact fathers can have in our children's lives. So today, on this 100th anniversary of Father's Day, take a moment to celebrate responsible fatherhood and the men who've had the courage to step up, be there for our families, and provide our children with the guidance, love and support they need to fulfill their dreams.

Thanks, Michelle

Compañeras y compañeros

Hoy voy a romper con todas las costumbres pero creo que el hecho lo amerita.

Al entrar hoy a la Red me encuentro este correo. Perdónenme que todo este
escrito en inglés, los que no lo entiendan, pero por su importancia quiero
compartirlo con Uds. y no debo perder el tiempo en traducirlo. Realmente me
sorprendió recibir un correo directo de la oficina de Michelle Obama y no quise
perder el tiempo y le escribí lo que pueden ver a continuación.

de enviarlo de corre corre pensé que podía haber dicho muchas cosas mas pero lo
que si no pude fue dejar de compartirlo con Uds.

Ahí tienen su correo
por si le desean escribir. Veamos si me contestan algo.

Seguimos en la

Julián Gutiérrez Alonso
Cte de Solidaridad con los CINCO CUJAE
Red de Universidades en Solidaridad con los CINCO
"Casa de los CINCO"

----- Original Message -----
From: Julian
To: First Lady Michelle Obama <>

Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: Not just any day
Dear Mrs. Michelle Obama

I don´t know for what reason I recieved this email from you. Anyway I thank God for that.

I support 100% all what you say in your email and for that reason I´m sure that you don´t know that there are 5 Cuban men imprisioned in your country for the only reason of trying to avoid the terrorist acts that groups of Cubanamericans, based in USA, had been commiting against my country.

More than 3000 men and women of my country had died because of the terrorist acts of these groups of Cubanamericans. Between them fathers or children that never could become father.

Three of these five men are also fathers that for more than 10 years could not have the impact that they would like to have in their sons and daughters. The other two up to now could not have the opportunity of being fathers.

Dear Mrs. Obama, I beg you not to break this exchange with me.

I´m also a father of two and grandfather of three and I bless this 5 men for protecting their live. I will be very pleased if you get interested in this case and know all about it. I´m sure that when you study the case you will be sure that there had been an injustice with them. I´m at your service to give you all the information you need.

Please excuse my bad English but I´m sure that you understand all what I´m saying.

Best regards

Julián Gutiérrez Alonso
Cte de Solidaridad con los CINCO CUJAE
Red de Universidades en Solidaridad con los CINCO

"Casa de los CINCO"

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